The Tech & Startup Slack Community in Numbers

A little over a month ago, we announced the creation of Norðurskautið – the Icelandic Tech and Startup Community on Slack. We used the highly popular messaging app Slack, and some Stamplayapp wizardry to essentially create a open community, similar to the IRC channels some of us remember.

In the last weeks, it’s been fun, interesting and valuable to partake in the community. We’ve had discussions on futurism, product and UX design and troubleshooting the iOS App Store (those in the business of apps should know that feeling).

Slack gives us a lot of cool data on the community, that we decided to combine and present to you. So, without further ado, here’s the Slack community in Numbers.


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Norðurskautið covers the Icelandic Startup and Tech scene. Follow us on Twitter or sign up for our mailing list to keep up to date. You can also join our Slack community –
