First Starborne Player Party Last Weekend
Last weekend, Solid Clouds, developers of Starborne: Sovereign Space, held the first player party in Iceland. The event was to celebrate the alpha release of the game. From the company:
A week ago a group of players from around the world came together in Iceland to celebrate the launch of the alpha test of Starborne: Sovereign Space. The aim is to make the gathering a yearly event and a focal point of a strong, vibrant player community.
Starborne is under development by game studio Solid Clouds, and is set to disrupt the established MMORTS market by incorporating popular 4X mechanics with the genre and upping the graphical ante considerably. The company and project has attracted industry veterans, most notably Asgeir Asgeirsson former art director of EVE Online, and gamedesigner turned producer Hrafnkell Oskarsson also of EVE Online fame.
“It’s a game that’ll have a strong player community,” says Stefan Gunnarsson, CEO. “It’s pleasant to witness, that even at such an early stage, the seeds we’ve planted are already above ground and the first leaves are appearing. The goal is of course to see them become a forest.”
The player’s party went exceedingly well. A lot of players showed up and a live stream of the event was broadcast for those who couldn’t make it. Upcoming features were introduced and the CEO and Producer hosted a Q&A session with both those present and viewers.
Stefan says the players (some of whom came all the way from Dubai) were thrilled with the party and their visit to Iceland. Arelius Areliusarson, Starborne’s community manager, says it thrills players to be able to participate in the development of the game. “The crowd we have is incredible. They so diligently contribute ideas and notes for us to consider. They pay close attention and are allowed to have their say. We wouldn’t want it any other way.”
Will this be the start of another Fanfest? You can apply for a spot in the alpha test at
Below are some pictures from the events.

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